4 Benefits of Reusing Old Computers & Laptops

4 Benefits of Reusing Your Old Computer or Laptop

4 Benefits of Reusing Old Computers & Laptops

Picture the scene, it’s a special occasion – your Birthday, Christmas, a new job or you just felt like treating yourself to that amazing new computer or laptop! In with the new and out with the old, but where does it end up? What choices do you have to dispose of your old computer or laptop?

Since the G8 summit within the EU to reduce carbon emission the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) have released targets for computer reuse and recycling by 2018.

The evidence states that 80% of IT Equipment should be recovered or 70% to be recycled. We believe strongly in the use of reusing redundant IT equipment as a priority, only when we cannot extend the shelf life do we consider recycling in an Eco-friendly way.

Recovery and recycling targets for categories of WEEE in the period 1 January 2016 until 31 December 2018

If you have an old computer or laptop that you would like to dispose of, here are 4 great reasons why you should consider donating it rather than sending it to a recycling ‘only’ company

1. Environmentally Sustainable

Reusing is a great way to contribute to the Eco-friendly world. Among the many benefits of reusing is the extended shelf life of existing computers, which in turn slows down the production of new computers (sales drop) and keeps the flow of raw materials to landfills at a sustainable rate.
This process also helps less privileged people the opportunity to afford low cost computer equipment.

2. Data Wiping Care

At LoopCR the most common reason we hear from people as to why they are hesitant to reuse an old computer is the removal of their sensitive data.

We understand this is a major factor when donating your old computer or laptop so we ensure due care and attention is taken when we use government approved wiping technology to ensure you have peace of mind that your data is non recoverable.

3. Keep Those RAW Material Off Landfills

When you recycle a computer the majority of components are then sent on to recycle firms who will put them back into the product cycle stage but not all materials head this way.

A proportion of items cannot be recycled and will inevitably end up within landfills or raw waste disposal factories. These components are found within all computers; the speed in which they are disposed is the process we’d love to slow down.

4. Vintage Appeal

Do you remember the first computer you owned? How about the first mobile phone you had? We all love to look back on technology and remember what amazed us compared to what the market has to offer today.

Vintage items are becoming more and more fashionable, within our office we have an original Mackintosh Classic computer, almost everyone that visits us is in awe of it as it takes them back to their youth and how such an item changed the market place forever.

By keeping these items on the shelf life ensures more and more vintage computers of tomorrow are preserved and enjoyed by others.